
Who is Ghyslaine Legris?

Ghyslaine Legris

Ghyslaine Legris
BirthdaySaturday, February 3, 1973
Member SinceWednesday, April 11, 2007
Last ActivityFriday, February 29, 2008
LocationSaint Mathias Sur Richelieu, Quebec, Canada Canada
About Me
About Me

Hi everyone,

 What could i say about me. Well i'm a mother of 3 young and beautiful boys , that 's why i'm looking to find the best business opportunity ever,....... to be with them. I've work for 13 years on customer service in automotive department. I just found that health is very important to everyone, so i started my own online business .



Thank you all, Best regards,

Ghyslaine Legris


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Joelees Wholesale - (10/18/2007 8:30:52 AM) : Hi Ghyslaine,
Welcome to Adland Family, Thank you for accepting my invite :-) I'm honored be to a member of your adland family. Gods speed my new friend :-) Lee
Ghyslaine Legris - (10/18/2007 8:30:52 AM) : Hi Lee,

Thank you very much for the rating. I never thought i could have that much. a "10" wow!
it'a awesome. I still am learning a lot on Adlandpro's world, and i assure you to hear from me again.

Your friend,
Ghyslaine Legris
Joe Downing - (4/17/2007 11:45:20 AM) : Hello Ghyslaine,
Every once in a while Adland experiences shock and awe from a new member like yourself. The personal message that you send in reply to accepting our friendship invitation was priceless. That DESERVES a very high rating in itself. Glad to have YOU as a friend. :) Great things are expected from you.
Your new friend,
Joe Downing
Ghyslaine Legris - (4/17/2007 11:45:20 AM) : Thank you very much Joe,

It's very kind of you.
There is so much to read and to learn about Adlandpro that i'm not IN yet. I still don't know where you get all these ideas of forums.But i like them alot and they inspires me somehow (did i say that correctly?)
Well , just saying keep your hard working here, you are a great inspiration for all of us.

It's great to have you as a friend,

Ghyslaine Legris


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