
Who is Arnold Haile?

Arnold Haile

Arnold Haile
Member SinceMonday, January 23, 2006
Last ActivityMonday, October 7, 2019
LocationHouston, Texas, United States United States
About Me
About Me
I haven't written anything about myself yet.
My Interests
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Comments (4)
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Ralph White - (10/14/2018 4:14:40 AM) : Just wanted to say hello and hoping that you will have a marvelous day. Keep your head high!
Mohamed Hassan - (2/16/2015 7:38:11 PM) : "The majority of men meet with failure because of their lack of persistence in creating new plans to take the place of those which fail."-Napoleon Hill
Ralph White - (9/24/2014 4:35:48 PM) : “Man often becomes what he believes himself to be. If I keep on saying to myself that I cannot do a certain thing, it is possible that I may end by really becoming incapable of doing it. On the contrary, if I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
Ralph White - (7/29/2014 2:30:51 PM) : Hello, my fellow Adland member. I hope that you are having a wonderful day and always remember that making one person smile can change the world. Maybe not the whole world, but their world.


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