Donovan Baldwin - (9/14/2009 8:34:10 PM) : |
Hello Joyce. Thank you for allowing me to be your friend. Also, thanks for stopping by. I have posted a backlink to your profile on my forum, The Independent Entrepreneur, under the topic, Monday 09/14/09 Who Dropped By Today |
Gabrielle Brothers - (5/31/2008 10:59:44 PM) : |
Hello Joyce, I'm rating you a 10 for your honesty and friendship. Looking forward to trade ideas with you. God Bless |
Larry Borkhus - (5/31/2008 9:54:54 PM) : |
Joyce: You are truly one of God's Angels. Have a Great Sunday, in worship.
Larry Borkhus |
John Partington - (11/22/2007 11:36:48 AM) : |
Hi Joyce,
It's a pleasure to know you!
Joyce is a good friend to anyone who want's to get to know her, so if she isn't on your friends list invite her now.
Best Wishes John. |
Joelees Wholesale - (8/25/2007 10:47:34 AM) : |
Hi , Thank you for accepting my invite :-) I'm honored be to a member of your adland family. Gods speed my new friend :-) Lee |
Ambassador John Sanchez - (2/8/2007 5:50:58 AM) : |
Hi Joyce!
I've not had a chance to get to know you but you were so kind with you rating of me that I wanted to return the gesture. I hope all is well with you and I hope you are enjoying your time at AdlandPro. Take care my friend!
Joyce Jeanbaptiste - (2/8/2007 5:50:58 AM) : |
Thanks John:
I am meeting new friends like you and I am getting help and tips on working from home, I am taking care of my mother now and home based biz is the way to go for me right now.
Joyce |
Tim Southernwood - (7/25/2006 2:36:12 PM) : |
Hi Joyce,
I just wanted to reciprocate your wonderful comments and rating. Your caring attitude and people skills will help you greatly in achieving success in marketing. You are a true asset to Adland.
Your new friend Tim |
Joyce Jeanbaptiste - (7/25/2006 2:36:12 PM) : |
Thanks Tim
I am happy to be aboard as well. I am taking care of my mother now and working from home is an blessing. Adland is a great place where I am finding lots of friends and help as well.
Joyce |