
Who is Andrea Bell?

Andrea Bell

Andrea Bell
BirthdayWednesday, January 4, 1961
Member SinceTuesday, August 14, 2007
Last ActivityThursday, February 5, 2009
LocationPort Charlotte , Florida, United States United States
About Me
About Me

I am currently residing in the Florida area. I have a travel business which I truly enjoy. I love being home with my children , watching them grow into productive individuals. I love networking and talking to people. I've been accused of just talking to everyone. No, I don't just start a conversation with everyone, but I do like talking to  people, it makes life more interesting. I can be in the market standing in line and strike up a conversation with the person standing behind me. Life is to short, so I take advantage of every moment. I have had a lot of the same friends for over 30 years and I continue to make more everyday. I  love arts & crafts! I collect angels and bears. My goal is to one day be able to say that I've travel around the world. It doesn't have to be in 180 days, but within my life time. I'm a family oriented person, so family means a lot to me. I'm very down to earth and look at everything in a positive light. I take negativity and put in in a positive folder. My son tells me everyday that I'm the best Mommy in the world and how much he loves me. I'm also raising my grandson who is a year and a half older than my son. So much of my time is spent making sure they are happy and well provided for. Both of them are on traveling basketball teams, so that keeps me busy. Other than that I'm on the computer networking, searching for info, or running my travel store. I been in business for under a year and have set up two cruises. I love this business because it's not stressful and I get a chance to travel at a discount most times. It will give me the opportunity to reach that goal I talked about. If anyone if interested in running your own travel store or need a vacation please check out my web site You won't get rich overnight, but you'll make a good income and have fun while you

are doing it. I provide all travel needs such as: accommodations, flights, rental cars, cruises, vacation packages, golfing packages, honeymopn registry, and more.  

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Cheryl Maples - (1/4/2011 7:17:13 AM) : Happy Birthday, Andrea! Have a great day! Cheryl


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