
Who is Helmut Seidl?

Helmut Seidl

Helmut Seidl
Member SinceWednesday, February 4, 2009
Last ActivityWednesday, July 25, 2012
LocationBrisbane, Queensland, Australia Australia
About Me
About Me
After working hard for years as a Project Manager in the Construction Industry and studying on weekends, I was burnt out. My private and business life collapsed, I decided to take some time out and travelled alone as a backpacker for one year around the world. I needed space and time to think about myself and my life and after a couple of months in Asia I knew I had to change something. After many conversations with people around the world and experiencing different lifestyles and cultures, I opened my mind and a solution for the future became clearer and clearer. Travelling alone has taught me that only I have the power to control my future. Doing nothing creates nothing. Belief in myself makes every day successful. If I was told a couple of years ago this would be my future I would never have believed it!
My Business!
My Store!

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Ralph White - (8/4/2014 3:53:26 PM) : Thought For The Day - Remember that making one person smile can change the world. Maybe not the whole world, but their world. Make someone smile today.
Ralph White - (3/20/2012 7:06:11 PM) : I hope that you are having a great day. When you get a chance visit this web site and down load a free book by Napoleon Hill titled "Think and Grow Rich". It's really free. No strings attached.
Alain Deguire - (12/31/2011 1:53:21 AM) : Hello Helmut! This is your day and I want it to be as Unique and Wonderful as You are. Have a magical and blessed birthday!
Ralph White - (9/10/2011 8:27:16 AM) : Have A Great Day
Fbiggirl Dickson - (6/24/2011 8:41:51 AM) : Hi nice to meet you, My name is Favour, A beautiful young looking lady of 24 years old, i found your profile quiet interesting and i would like to be your friend, please contact me in my private email address so that i will send my picture to you from there you will know whom i am please am just waiting to hear from you now in my mail box Thanks Favour
Bill Rowe - (6/7/2011 5:33:46 PM) : Hi Helmut! Thanks for the friend request. It's an honor to be part of your circle of influence.
George Clark - (3/24/2011 7:03:45 PM) : I just recieved notification that you are my newest friend here on AdlandPro. Thanks for the invitation Helmut. Looking forward to sharing experiences and how you market you business online.
Sadhika Hika - (1/21/2011 1:49:44 PM) : Hi.. Helmut.. What do you think about Iraqi Dinars investment? Is it a scam or not?
Josh Engel - (1/2/2011 5:02:57 AM) : Hi Helmut thank your for being my friend that's just one the downside of the jobs industry you have no control over it but network marketing give you much more control in your life by that nice suite you are wearing there
Iacovino Rosario - (12/18/2010 1:53:50 PM) : Prelanci che diventano solida realtà di guadagno; nuovo NETWORK con Applicazione per PC che rivoluzionerà il web. piano di compensazione molto simile a mandura io mi sono iscritto 15 giorni fa e ho già 20.000 (VENTIMILA) iscritti nella mia linea mondiale:


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