
Who is Joe Lawrence?

Joe Lawrence

Joe Lawrence
Member SinceMonday, October 1, 2007
Last ActivityFriday, September 25, 2009
LocationGranbury, Texas, United States United States
About Me
About Me

I am originally from Asheville,  North Carolina but have lived in the Fort Worth, Texas area for many years.

I earned my commercial pilot license here with Instrument, Multi-engine, and flight instructor ratings.  {that was fun} We use to have our own Cessna which I flew  all around the southwest.

My wife doesn't like private flying.


I am a retired deputy sheriff having worked in a maximum security confinement as a senior training officer. I may write a book of my experiences since I worked with the murderers. I guess I am blessed to be here with some of my past experiences.


I am married. My wife is a librarian at an Elementary School in Fort Worth.

We have one son {married]

I have three sons {all married} by a previous marriage.


I have authored one book: "THE OCCULT! TRUTH OR TRAP?" this is my autobiography of my horrifying experiences dating a girl here in Texas that became possessed from a Ouija Board.


My wife now encourgaged me to break off from seeing this girl since things were getting dangerous. We later started dating.


We both enjoy boating and traveling. We have done some mission work in Mexico and El Salvador. We lived at a Navajo Nation camp for a week. That was also a mission trip.




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Cheryl Maples - (11/20/2010 8:02:30 AM) : Happy Birthday, Joe! Have a great day! Cheryl
Jan (aka) Jaz Green - (9/26/2009 12:38:13 AM) : Hello Joe, just dropping by to say Howdy :)
Joelees Wholesale - (10/15/2007 4:56:26 PM) : Hi Joe,
Thank you for accepting my invite :-) I'm honored be to a member of your adland family. Gods speed my new friend :-) Lee
Joe Lawrence - (10/15/2007 4:56:26 PM) : Wow! Joelees, I'm certainly honored to receive such a high rating from you. Honestly, I'm not sure what I have done. I'm sorry I am a little late to respond.

I have many things going on lately. We loaned a car to our son and his wife in Dallas, TX. recently for a few days. An 18 wheeler came over in their lane, made them spin 4-5 times, then they hit a vehicle in the right lane. The car was totalled. Thankfully they were not injured seriously.

A week after that my wife had a lady pull out in front of her, from a side road, and totalled her car. My wife had some injuries. The lady was not hurt. She admitted she was totally at fault.

You can see we have been busy with insurance companies.

I guarantee you one thing. God is not through with us yet.

Have a Blessed Day.

Joe Lawrence - MightyWarrior
