
Who is Tina Canney?

Tina Canney

Tina Canney
BirthdayTuesday, June 16, 1970
Member SinceSunday, June 18, 2006
Last ActivitySaturday, January 20, 2007
LocationFredericton, New Brunswick, Canada Canada
About Me
About Me
Pleasure to meet you. Let me know that you dropped by. Don't be shy I love meeting new people. I love to read, dance and learn. Outside activities for fun would be volleyball, swimming, horseback riding, snorkling and hiking. I am always trying out new things. Some I chalk up to a new experinence and others become some new favorites. Don't ever be scared to try new things. Remember it's only the unknown that's scary. You might be missing out on something wonderful. You never know. Here's to new experiences. To your health!!!
My Interests
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Thomass Jaymess Erskine - (9/13/2006 10:21:41 PM) : Very fine you are my friend.

Rahul Majumdar - (9/8/2006 11:17:05 PM) : Hey Tina,

How are you? One good turn deserves
another, right? Actually, you have
earned a strong rating through your
success with Dr. Pickering's program,
and, what else, Success University.

Keep up the good work, and hope to
trade ideas with you in the future.
Just leave a few eager buyers for
me, OK?

Your friend,

Rahul aka Info-entrepreneur RM


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