About Me
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About Me
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Hello from the heart of North America ! Love singing, choir, music, sudoku, blogging, dancing, crocheting, painting rocks, baking. My vision is to help you find solutions to your atypical -- big, tall, plus-size -- body challenges and put confidence back in your day !
My Interests
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My Interests
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Interests: Family, Friends, Homemaking, Interior Design, Religion, Languages, Learning, Teaching, Fitness, Relaxation, Beauty, Nutrition, Weight Loss, General Health, Cooking, Crafts, Reading, Puzzles, Jokes and Quotes, Art, Making Music, Poetry, Painting, Blogs, Computers, Internet, Software, Movies and Film, TV, Audio/Video, Radio, Music, Travel, Gardening, Hiking, Dogs, Bowling, Other Sports
Industries: Advertising, Affiliates, Direct Selling, E-Business, Finances, Marketing, MLM, Networking, Bizopp, Investing, Religion, Learning, Self-Development, General Health, Holistic, Vitamins, Reading, Writing, Blogs, Computers, Internet, Software, VOIP, Audio/Video, News, Current Events