
Who is Reijo Sikio?

Reijo Sikio

Reijo Sikio
BirthdayWednesday, November 4, 1953
Member SinceWednesday, July 14, 2010
Last ActivityTuesday, March 20, 2018
LocationSalo, Varsinais-Suomi, Finland Finland
About Me
About Me


Olen 60 vuotta vanha mies Suomessa. Olen valkoinen ja 180cm 107kg . Olen entinen liikemies .

Nykyään olen eläkkeelle ( vahingossa ) . Vaimoni on myös 59 vuotta ja eläkkeelle . Meillä on kolme lasten . Tyttäret 37v , 26v ja poika 28V. He ovat muuttaneet pois . Asumme rivitalossa (2 huonetta , keittiö ja sauna . ) Nämä ohjelmat ovat harrastukseni . Everty tulot mitä saan ovat tervetulleita minua . Esimerkiksi
hyvä ohjelma . Ole hyvä liittyä tuumaa Ystävällisin terveisin!

Reijo JA Marja Leena Sikiö

Lasinpuhaltajankatu 11B

24130 Salo


email.rexsi1 @

My Interests
My Interests (6)
Industries: Advertising, MLM, Networking
Comments (96)
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Keith Lynch - (1/22/2018 4:35:20 AM) : Hi, Thanks! I am a member of SFI also.. Will Check you out later. Now is sleep time Cheers!
Jan (aka) Jaz Green - (6/7/2016 1:40:01 PM) : Happiness is one's mind over matter. One's mind being the individual, living among the living ... Matter is infinite from the point of an individual ... beyond Earth into the cosmos ... by Jan aka Jaz
Alan Holmes - (5/20/2016 3:44:03 PM) : Thank you for connecting.Let me know how I can be of service
Pergasusrider Wong - (5/18/2016 3:25:07 AM) : Here is what I do in brief.
Oscar Chirambo - (1/25/2016 7:38:58 PM) : Hi nice to know u
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Sera Cyiza - (5/12/2015 4:05:44 PM) : HI, I am in SFI and I am looking associates to advertise my link
Mohamed Hassan - (3/10/2015 7:00:11 PM) : The opportunity has a sly habit of slipping in by the back door , and often it comes disguised in the form of misfortune or temporary defeat . perhaps this why so many fail to recognize opportunity.Napoleon Hill
Jim Jankowski - (1/25/2015 8:42:40 PM) : Nice to meet you and become friends here on AdLand Pro.
Mohamed Hassan - (1/25/2015 11:51:05 AM) : "The secret of success is to do the common things uncommonly well," John D. Rockefeller, Jr.


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