
Who is Pamela Cunningham?

Pamela Cunningham

Pamela Cunningham
Member SinceSaturday, December 10, 2011
Last ActivityThursday, February 7, 2013
LocationSelden, New York, United States United States
About Me
About Me

Hi, Thank you for taking the time to read this. I am a wife and mother of a beautiful now 4 year old boy. Since my son was born, my mission has been to find a program that had little out of pocket costs and the potential for me to make enough money to eventually stay home and be with my son. I have been fortunate with my "regular" job as I telecommute so I was able to spend more time with him than if I had to leave for my job every day. But I am still essentially a 9-5er, my son still requires daycare while I work and I really want to be free to work my own hours around my schedule.

In April 2011 I was introduced to ZeekRewards by Zac Hawkins through the Paid Daily Club. Zac is a leader of an Online Income Group I belong to. I have known him for quite a few years now and I have a great deal of respect for him. I immediately joined and upgraded my account at his suggestion from Free member to Silver for $10 per month. It was TOTALLY worth it! Since the very first day I have been earning with this program. My daily commisions are now paying for my Gold ($50/month) Membership while still building my residual income as well.

I am a regular person, just like you and I want to share this with all of you so you can join me in this amazing program and potentially change your future!

The Online Income Group that I am a member of (run by Zac) has been working to build our team.
You can find us HERE. Most of us have been with Zac for years and we are all there to help each other.
Of course anyone is welcome to join so please fee free to stop by and say hello!

I look forward to helping each person that joins this amazing program with me and can't wait to be free to work WHEN I want, WHERE I want VERY SOON!

Make the MOST of today, it's what your tomorrows are built on!

Pam C.

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Michael... Clayton - (1/3/2012 12:40:32 AM) : Hi Pamela be nice to have you as a friend. Please visit my main forum thread and post your opportunities so many more members can get to know what you do online. Just click on forum on my profile and look for the main thread. You are also welcome to join Regards Michael


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