
Who is Robert (Bob) Powers?

Robert (Bob) Powers

Robert (Bob) Powers
Member SinceWednesday, October 17, 2007
Last ActivityWednesday, November 14, 2007
LocationMississauga, Ontario, Canada Canada
About Me
About Me

I have been married to my wife, Sharron, for 33 years,I have 3
daughters 1 son, 2 grandsons and one grand daughter.
I live in Mississauga, Ontario.  I am a retired truck driver.
My pension is about 60% of what my income
was before retirement.  As a result, I have been looking for
additional income to help stay alive.

Even though I am just starting my Nutronix/Automatic
Builder/Berry Tree business, I truly believe that I have
finally found a home business that will guarantee my success.
Further proof of this is that I have already received sign-
ups from the efforts of my upline after only a couple of

Please feel free to contact me by email or telephone with
any questions you may have.  If I do not know the answer,
I will find the answer from someone who has been in Nutronix
longer than I have.

Best wishes for your success,

Please add me to your contact list.

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Cheryl Maples - (3/19/2011 3:23:56 AM) : Happy Birthday, Bob! Enjoy your day! Cheryl
Cheryl Maples - (3/19/2010 4:20:30 AM) : Happy Birthday, Bob! Have a great day! Cheryl
