
Who is Mico Jelic Grnovic?

Mico Jelic Grnovic

Mico Jelic Grnovic
BirthdayTuesday, March 3, 1942
Member SinceFriday, June 10, 2011
Last ActivitySunday, July 24, 2011
LocationVladimirci (Владимирци), Mačva (Мачвански Округ), Serbia Serbia
About Me
About Me
I haven't written anything about myself yet.
My Interests
My Interests
I haven't selected any of my interests yet.
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Mico Jelic Grnovic - (6/28/2011 5:10:55 AM) : Thank you Sara!I was absent. Now I have a lots of job, and then to translate it all :)
Sara Gardner Blow - (6/27/2011 4:18:51 PM) : Spotlight is on YOU in Adland Art Gallery!!!! Thank you!!
Mico Jelic Grnovic - (6/19/2011 1:02:24 PM) : Hello Joyce - in my part of world you are very loved. Thank you for encouraging me.
Joyce Parker Hyde - (6/15/2011 1:49:56 PM) : Hello Mico - you have worked very hard to put your thoughts together in English and done a wonderful job-keep up the good work.
Mico Jelic Grnovic - (6/13/2011 4:05:54 PM) : Hello Sara, thanks for welcoming me. I deleted other posts.
Sara Gardner Blow - (6/13/2011 1:31:44 PM) : Welcome to Adland. Looks like you got spammed in profile right away!!
