
Who is Christy Zacker?

Christy Zacker

Christy Zacker
BirthdayThursday, March 9, 1967
Member SinceSunday, March 11, 2007
Last ActivityTuesday, March 24, 2009
LocationGreenville, Alabama, United States United States
About Me
About Me

Hello everyone!   There is so much information and so many programs  that I don't know where to start.  I am not too computer savvy but learning as I go.  Thanks to all of you who have invited me to be your friend and you all have so much to offer.  You are truly appreciated.


What I love to do is design.  I have an Interior Design degree and have specialized in Custom kitchen and bath design for over 18 years and also designed kitchen showrooms for dealers.  My spiritual journey began at a very young age and always felt the spiritual element was missing from the design work I do.  In 2007 I was inspired to launch my own business designing meditation rooms and teaching meditation classes. It has been slow going but planning on increasing business this year.  I also use color therapy in relationship to interiors and also design intuitively to create the best energy flow for the room and eliminating negative energy. 


In addition I represent a great company that markets health care products. I chose this company because it is the only place the original ZNatural patented by Dr. Harvey Kauffman can be purchased in the U.S.  This is an activated liquid zeolite that non-invaseively removes heavy metals and other toxins from the body in addition to balancing the PH.  Others claim to offer liquid zeolite in the original and use the word "original " as it applies to their own company.  The company I speake of was the first company to use the patented forumla however they altered the method dramatically decreasing the quality and the effectiveness of the product. I am an advocate of natural health care and homeopathic remedies.  I believe we our physical body was designed to heal itself, and  proper detoxification and nutrition is key.  I am also involved in EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and believe that by eliminating negative emotions, you can find freedom in mental, emotional and physical health. 


 Also visit my website for a great new business opportunity. A one of a kind delivery system for energy without the calories, carbs, sugar or without pills in addition to antioxidants, electrolytes and melatonin for help with sleep.



I also help my husband with his martial arts studio and the organization he founded. It touches me to see the lives my husband has changed through his training.   I am a red belt and am working toward my blackbelt which is just the beginning.  You never stop learning.


Currently I am working full time for a great company however my creativity is stifled there and my time is not my own.   My intention is to generate enough income through my design work health products that I will no longer need thats steady paycheck from my employer.  My time will be free to do with what I choose.  I will choose to work on my meditation and design business, I will choose to help others along their spiritual journey, I will choose to particiapate in health fairs and other events that will allow me to share my products and health philosophy with others.  I will choose to spend more time with my family.


I have been happily married to David for 3 years and we have five kids between us.   We enjoy spending time outdoors, fishing and camping.  I also enjoy hiking and bicycling.  Gardening is a favorite of mine.  I find it very relaxing and theraputic. I collect fairies and angels (yes sometimes real ones lol) and enjoy reading metaphysical and spiritual books.  My favorite authors are Marrianne Williamson and Brian Weiss but just recently Esther and Jerry Hicks and Eckhart Tolle.  I also love music by Savage Garden and their former lead singer who is now on his own..Darren Hayes.  I find it absolutely inspirational and resonates with my soul.   My website   ZNatural  Join this company for free! No enrollment fees  My blog  EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)  Join here for free to make money while you search the web. :)

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Phillip Black - (3/21/2008 7:53:23 PM) : Hi Christy,

Just stopped by to say Thanks for allowing me to be part of your Circle of Friends here at Adland. I visited your site and I must say I was impressed. Very Professional and a very Unique Concept. Wishing you continued success.

Thanks Again,



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