
Who is Mark Worthen?

Mark Worthen

Mark Worthen
BirthdayTuesday, April 5, 1960
Member SinceThursday, April 5, 2007
Last ActivityMonday, June 22, 2009
LocationPark City, Kentucky, United States United States
About Me
About Me
I work from home making money with Internet and network marketing and as a clinical & forensic psychologist.

I’m the proud father of three fantastic kids who are the most important people in my life. They live with their mother five minutes away and I see them several days a week.

I am the oldest of five myself and am blessed to have an awesome bunch of siblings (two sisters, two brothers, a brother-in-law, and a sister-in-law) and three cool nephews and an adorable niece. My father died in 1988 but he remains one of my heroes along with my Mom, who is the best mother a guy could ever ask for.

More info about my online business ventures is on:

I earned my Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D. — pronounced “sigh-dee”) from Baylor University in 1990. I had graduated Phi Betta Kappa from the Honors Psychology program at the University of Maryland and was a Clinical Fellow at Harvard Medical School. I’ve worked for mental health centers, at a social detox program, as a court psychologist, in a group practice, and in solo private practice.

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