
Who is Lee Martin?

Lee Martin

Lee Martin
BirthdayTuesday, August 19, 1952
Member SinceWednesday, July 5, 2006
Last ActivityFriday, April 20, 2018
LocationMurray, Utah, United States United States
About Me
About Me

Hello LeeDav Here ;

Fisrt off welcome and thank you for taking the time to read about me .I'm 54 years of age about 25 in mind . I have three children ,one girl 17 two boys 15 &14 I have been with my Lady for 22 years and enjoy the the , time we spend together which is not enough .Thus my being on the web looking for my pot of freedom . I love to fish and and the outdoors I like the old movies I like to dance and sing along with the tunes I grew up with I enjoy meeting people. I have a win win game plan of life if there is no value that both can gain then what good is it ? I enjoy life and will be enjoying better when my goals are met . So thats all Have a Bleessd Day

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Jan (aka) Jaz Green - (7/31/2017 5:00:21 AM) : The Best Way To Predict The Future Is To Create It!


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