
Who is Jeremy Court?

Jeremy Court

Jeremy Court
BirthdayMonday, December 20, 1976
Member SinceSaturday, January 2, 2010
Last ActivityFriday, May 13, 2011
LocationEdmonton, Alberta, Canada Canada
About Me
About Me
I am Jeremy S Court and am excited about life and all of its opportunities. But am really pumped about this type of opportunity I have been given. I use to be involved in direct selling for Air Purification but now am involved in Water Conditioner and RO (Reverse Osmosis).
I am a simple guy who loves to get involved with things I believe in. I am a passionate person and take pride in all I do. I have goals, dreams, ambitions and goal is to be rich and retired in 20 years or less.
I am in process of finding a balance in my life and looking forward to enjoying the things I wasn't able to do before.
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