I grew up in Zimbabwe and Ghana, two countries in Africa. By the time I was 14 I had 4 business operating. One was a poultry farm and another was a tie-die and silk screen factory. I also had an uncle in the States who I exported carved goods to and last but not least I managed a rock n' roll band.
I was a very happy camper but somehow I got talked into going to college, mostly to please "the folks" and it took several years to wake up and go back into business. I did manage to get a degree in Theology and learned Koine Greek and Biblical Hebrew and I have no regrets about that. The judeo-christian principles have served me well during my 48 years on the planet.
I have been married for almost 28 years which makes me somewhat of an oddity in this present age but I am extremely proud of the fact that we have been able to stay together. We now live a quiet life in Tucson, Arizona.
I have come to a place in my life where I am fairly financially independent and want to help others attain that but with balance. See: www.videoemailhomebusiness.com for more information.