
Who is Jud Her?

Jud Her

Jud Her
BirthdayMonday, February 10, 1975
Member SinceMonday, July 9, 2007
Last ActivityMonday, August 10, 2020
LocationMölndal, Västra Götaland, Sweden Sweden
About Me
About Me

HI everybody!!


I am new here, as I say in my presentationpage... I now many of you are here to make money and are probably very good at it too. You see Im very new in internet marketing, and don´t know much about it, but I am willing to learn, and eventually teach others too.

Visit this site by the way:

The problem is that I have no money to start my bussiness with, and would like to get any relevant help by people that really have made money fast, coz right now its difficult even to pay 7 $ for me! I would also like you to give me comments about my bussines...


It's the first time I ever been at acommunity like this =). The reason for being here is that I am tired as hell of being poor, and never being able to do stuff that cost money without having agony about it afterwards.


My idea for bussiness:


 I am building my homesite about inner helth and beauty. I have always felt good about making poeple fell good about themselves, but this time im going to try to combine it som that I can get some kind of promo for it. Im very good at NLP, Hypnosys and other helpful stuff. Affirmationsession, training programs and audiofiles, will also be included in my page.

The training program is about having fun, learning to dance and getting off the extra pounds at the same time. Preformed by me of course. I want it to be a one of a kind page, where people that need help with their inner selves will find some kind of peace in my page. Here they will also get the opportunity to buy nice clothes and other stuff. As this is something I'v been meaining to do, I will put all my mind in to it.


I hope I will help many. meanwhile Ill just have this little site I have right now.


I hope you visit the real site when I'm done.



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Khristian Bassett - (4/2/2008 7:25:28 PM) : Great photo,you should model.
I went to your site. I am considering .
thank you. Khristian Vermont USA
Ron Heyde - (8/2/2007 6:06:32 PM) : Very nice pic!
roger Ketcham - (7/24/2007 9:43:23 AM) : nice pic
