
Who is Glen Wielandt?

Glen Wielandt

Glen Wielandt
BirthdayThursday, July 28, 1960
Member SinceWednesday, December 13, 2006
Last ActivityMonday, May 28, 2007
LocationLittleton, Colorado, United States United States
About Me
About Me

I am a franchise, mortgage and business consultant.  I have over 26 years of franchise experience.  We also help people who are in foreclosure (home) @

, mortgages, franchise current businesses and can prepare Private Placement Memorandums to obtain money for your business.  We have lenders available for financing.  I also have income tax experience.  Email me @  or go to my website or with questions about taxes, mortgages, foreclosure, franchising or anything else you would like to discusss.  I also just joined another company which helps with any kind of funding needs:


Minimum transaction size starts at $100,000 (we prefer over $100K, but have availability of less).  Some of our funding sources can handle requests in the billion-dollar range and can work with both international and domestic projects in a broad range of industries.

Types of requests: Startups; Hard Money; Venture Capital and Joint Venture funding; Commercial Real Estate (all types); Real Estate Developments (residential and commercial); Equipment loans, leasing, and refinancing (under $100K and $2 million plus); Movie projects; Bank Guarantees and Financial Instrument Leasing; Purchase Order and A/R Financing; Financing for property rehabs; Small Business Financing; Notes, including portfolios; Bridge loans; Capital Market Access programs, Unsecured Lines of Credit; Franchise Start-Up and Operating Money (Fixed rates for $800K and Up and $200K variable rates available); Mortgages (residential/commercial), Foreclosures, Accounts Receivable funding; Commercial or Municipal Bonds (minimum of blocks of ten million); Business Credit Lines; Creative Programs for funding...and much more. and please fill out the Quick Information Form.

You will need a business plan or executive summary (except for mortgages and foreclosures).

My Interests
My Interests (2)
Interests: Finances
Industries: Bizopp
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Jan (aka) Jaz Green - (1/6/2007 4:28:56 PM) : Good information for business opportunities.
Glen Wielandt - (1/6/2007 4:28:56 PM) : Thanks for the great rating Jan. Let me know if you are interested in anything that I can help you with. Since it's tax season I can also help you with any tax questions that you might have.



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