
Who is Rick Van Ness?

Rick Van Ness

Rick Van Ness
Member SinceTuesday, April 24, 2007
Last ActivityThursday, February 7, 2008
LocationAlbany, Oregon, United States United States
About Me
About Me

Proud father of two beautiful and talented kids, Daughter Miranda (4) and Son Ricky (2), and wonderful and beautiful wife Dale (she still wont tell me her age!).


I am a very family oriented person, putting family matter above and beyond all else.  I love to be around them, as much as possible. 


Cooking is a passion of mine, I just love to experiement with different recipes and concoctions, probably should have attended a professional cooking school - but I never was one for school.


Love my life right now, just couldnt be better.  I have finally found a way to make a very substantial living working from home, allowing me to spend a tremendous amount of time with my family.  I had it good financially in the past, big house, fancy cars, nice things but no time whatsoever to enjoy them.  Now I have it all, and it just is so incredible my head is still spinning.


I am very knew to all this website stuff, so not sure what else I am supposed to put here, will check back and see what others have in their about me page.


Bye for now!



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Joelees Wholesale - (6/14/2007 4:45:54 PM) : Hi Rick,
Thank you for accepting my invite :-) I'm honored be to a member of your adland family. Gods speed my new friend :-) Lee


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