
Who is Demny Guzman?

Demny Guzman

Demny Guzman
BirthdayFriday, January 30, 1976
Member SinceThursday, January 31, 2008
Last ActivityThursday, February 28, 2008
LocationClermont, Georgia, United States United States
About Me
About Me
I am married and have three beautiful boys. I recently moved to Florida. I always dream of having my own home business but I searched and lost lots of money trying all kind of business online. Another problem is that all these online business require doing newsletters and emailing people and calling and I have no experience what so ever on these things. I didn't give up though I knew deep down inside me that I would find a business that would be no hassle or work involve. I finally did after searching and searching and loosing tons of money. I finally found the greatest home business ever. I mean a 9 yr old could do this business. So here is a home business that actually works and make dreams happen so go and do yourselves a favor and check this home business out you will thank me later, really for sure you will!!!! I have a home business which is what I have always dream about not having any boss or a routine job where you have to work 40 hrs and overtime. With the internet growing and growing and with so may opportunities to make money and I mean tons of money there is no way why anyone should work away from home and not have time to be with your family and spend quality time and be able to give them what they need and more. So if you are tired of living paycheck by paycheck and want to live the life of your dreams go to this site that will change your life forever. ONLY IF YOU ARE REALLY SERIOUS OF CHANGING YOUR LIFE.
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Joelees Wholesale - (2/27/2008 9:16:37 AM) : Hi Demny,
Welcome to Adland Family Of Friends,Thank you for accepting my invite :-) I'm honored to be a member of your adland family. Gods speed my new friend :-) Lee


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