
Who is Barbara Hauck?

Barbara Hauck

Barbara Hauck
Member SinceSaturday, September 8, 2007
Last ActivityThursday, October 30, 2008
LocationTucson, Arizona, United States United States
Place of Origin
About Me
About Me

 Having a passion for networking has been in my life long before the internet brought social and business networking to my life. I've always been a curious and friendly person. I like to learn about others and feel as though each person on earth has a special story or more to share. I also think that those of us that find joy through helping others find that the internet provides us with an endless source of amazing people to meet. Do you remember when you first started to know that you wanted to have more in your life than the average person? You do realize that you're above average? There's only 18% of the world doing anything with online computer 'stuff'. So the statistics alone tell you that you've stepped out ahead of the crowd already.


My first inkling to owning my own life started when I was around 27. It was at a communications class and the teacher said, "You are the writer, director, producer, actor and editor of your life. Your life is exactly as you want it." I remember thinking, "This guy's got be crazy. Who in their right mind would create this life?" It took a while for me to see the value of what he was teaching. Those early classes opened my mind and changed my life. It wasn't easy at first but I certainly wanted a better life. I soaked up books like Think and Grow Rich. If the book had to do with self improvement I read it. Once I got a glimpse that I was able to create my future with affirmations and goals I started rewriting my life. I have been living the Laws of Attraction long before the Secret mentioned it to this new generation. And it works.I've also come to understand that the teacher was explainin a bit of karma to us. We have our past, we have our future, and we have now. With now we have the opportunity to create 'good karma' or a better future.


I promise you this - my husband, our lives, where we live, the job that I have (and like), the house that we have are all results of my writing down - in detail - what I wanted and then having the faith and believing that the universe would acknowledge these thoughts and bring them to us. I even have a 3x5 card in a dresser that I wrote about 3 years ago thanking God for blessing Mike and me with 100's of wonderful friends from all around the world. I had never heard of internet networking or affiliate programs back then. I never imagined in a short time that I would be meeting grand networkers from every corner of this great planet.

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Cheryl Maples - (9/26/2011 5:01:59 AM) : Happy Birthday, Barbara! Enjoy your special day! Cheryl
Cheryl Maples - (9/26/2010 4:45:03 AM) : Happy Birthday, Barbara! Have a great day! Cheryl
Joelees Wholesale - (12/11/2007 10:48:12 AM) : Hi Barbara,
Welcome to Adland Family Of Friends,Thank you for accepting my invite :-) I'm honored be to a member of your adland family. Gods speed my new friend :-) Lee


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