
Who is Joni Wamer?

Joni Wamer

Joni Wamer
Member SinceMonday, March 19, 2007
Last ActivitySaturday, August 6, 2011
LocationBeech Grove, Indiana, United States United States
About Me
About Me

I first trained with Jeri Ryan, founder of the Assisi International Animal Institute. This was an awakening for me and it is a deeply spiritual experience to converse with our animal friends.


I have a degree in Sociology and have spent over 30 years in people management. I am a “professional pack leader”. Animal Communication is my love and my spirituality. As a follower of St Francis, it is my goal to be of service to our animal brethren and through them to you, their people.

Helping people to understand their companion animals will enhance the quality of that relationship. You will find out what matters to your animal friends and why you have been drawn together in this life. If your animal is upset, suffering or scared you will want to know and I can help you do that.

Some animal communicators specialize in healing, finding lost animals, behavior issues etc. I do not engage in healing but I can help you:

·       Solve behavior problems.

·       Improve the quality of your animal-human bond; deepen your relationship with your animal friend.

·       Help you help your animal when it is time for her/him to leave this life, and help you with your grief process.

·       Find lost animals.

·       Communicating with deceased animal companions.

·       Solve wild animal “pest” issues without harming the animal.

I am not a veterinarian and I cannot diagnose illness nor heal your animal. At times however an animal will tell me of symptoms or something that they are experiencing that has not been noticeable to you.


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Glow Holmes - (3/25/2007 11:41:42 AM) : Welcome,
Let me know when you have your web page and ad page up.


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