
Who is Lawrie Paul Given?

Lawrie Paul Given

Lawrie Paul Given
BirthdayFriday, May 16, 1947
Member SinceSaturday, August 27, 2005
Last ActivityMonday, October 8, 2012
LocationKitchener, Ontario, Canada Canada
About Me
About Me

Lawrie brings over 40 years of successful business experience in the Real Estate, Financial Services and Management Consulting industries.


As an Entrepreneur, Lawrie is very active in the Network Marketing Industry and his focus in on helping people.  His passion is to give the opportunity to anyone who has a desire to help others who want to make a difference in people's lives.


Currently residing in Southwestern Ontario, Canada. Mr. Given is well connected to a large international network of business professionals which has been instrumental in his success.

My Interests
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Joe Downing - (3/15/2007 9:46:58 AM) : Hello Lawrie,
I always appreciate a friendly response like yours to the friendship invitation. It is always refreshing to meet those who take the time to be courteous. Thank you.
Your friend,
Joe Downing


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