About Me
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About Me
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Im the Father of 3 beautiful chrildern Conner 13, Joshua12 And Riley 4 months. I have been doing affiliate markiting for only a short time and am looking to see if this may be my nitch.I was a printer for over 25 years and am now relising that it was wasted time. Tried changing my career path being a Deli clirk and relised after 2 years I like eating cold cuts better then cutting them. Then was kinda suckered into working as a call service rep.....Well put it to ya this way put a New Yorker who hates talking on the phone about health insurance with Senior sitasins who dont relise that they have to a deductable before there insurance kicks in....well lets just say it wasnt pretty. Thats when my girlfriend said to try this so i figured i would give it a shot.
My Interests
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My Interests
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Interests: Ancestry, Family, Friends, Homemaking, Interior Design, Kids, Lifestyle, Parenting, Religion, Romance, Fitness, Relaxation, Beauty, Medication, Nutrition, Weight Loss, General Health, Male Health, Female Health, Holistic, Vitamins, Cards and Games, Cooking, Crafts, Reading, Puzzles, Collecting, Shopping, Jokes and Quotes, Magic, Writing, Art, History, Law, Making Music, Philosophy, Photography, Poetry, Modern Art, Painting, Blogs, E-Books, Computers, Hardware, Multimedia, Internet, Wireless, Software, VOIP, Football, Baseball
Industries: Affiliates, Direct Selling, E-Business, Finances, Fitness, Relaxation, Beauty, Medication, Nutrition, Weight Loss, General Health, Male Health, Female Health, Holistic, Vitamins, Cards and Games, Cooking, Crafts, Reading, Puzzles, Collecting, Shopping, Jokes and Quotes, Magic, Writing, Art, History, Law, Making Music, Philosophy, Photography, Poetry, Modern Art, Painting, Blogs, E-Books, Computers, Hardware, Multimedia, Internet, Wireless, Software, VOIP, Football, Baseball