
Who is Derrick G?

Derrick G

Derrick G
BirthdayThursday, October 23, 1975
Member SinceFriday, August 20, 2010
Last ActivityMonday, August 7, 2023
LocationNew York City, New York, United States United States
Place of Origin
About Me
About Me
I am an internet and mobile marketer that would increase your business in this recession. With all the money you may have it will be no use if you DO NOT EAT the right, we must eat right. Look at this video for more proof., you will be glad you did. It help me take a closer look at the foods I intake. Click here
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Cheryl Maples - (10/23/2011 5:34:38 AM) : Happy Birthday, Derrick! Enjoy your special day! Cheryl
Cheryl Maples - (8/20/2010 7:08:34 PM) : Hello D, Welcome to our community of friends. I’m glad you joined us. May this year be your best year yet. Follow your dreams, Cheryl
Wendell Breedlove - (8/20/2010 12:55:41 PM) : Hi D, Welcome to the Adland Pro community. It’s great to see you here and thanks for joining us. Have a Wonderful Day, Wendell


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