
Who is Gerda Van Riel?

Gerda Van Riel

Gerda Van Riel
Member SinceTuesday, June 15, 2010
Last ActivityWednesday, February 8, 2012
Place of Origin
About Me
About Me
hi, i am gerda from the netherlands.i live in breda.
i work in a restaurant called dickensandjones.i work ther for almost 11 years.i am trying to work on the internet for a few years but i find it difficult to earn some money.we don,t have any money to spend on programs and advertising.but i like to do it ,to kep my mind at work.
i am married and have two childeren,two boys.
my dream is that i can stay at home and work on my computer.

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Cheryl Maples - (6/26/2010 8:04:09 PM) : Hi Gerda, thanks for your friendship. I hope all is going as well as can be. Nice to talk with you. Cheryl
Cheryl Maples - (6/15/2010 11:30:51 PM) : Hello Gerda, Welcome to our community of friends. It's nice to meet you here. May this be your best year yet. Follow your dreams! Cheryl


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