
Who is Lim Hiok Choon Andy?

Lim Hiok Choon Andy

Lim Hiok Choon Andy
BirthdaySunday, April 12, 1953
Member SinceMonday, January 4, 2010
Last ActivityMonday, June 3, 2013
LocationSingapore, Singapore, Singapore Singapore
About Me
About Me
Hi My name is Andy and I am from the tiny island of Singapore.We only have one season and that is hot & humid. I was trained in electrical Engineering and only come to do internet marketing last year due to global financial crisis and found it is better to prepare yourself in case your service is no longer needed by your employer due whatever reasons they may give. I am a married man with 2 children and also a christian which I am actively involved in some of their ministries. Would certainly like to meet and share and learn about internet marketing and sharing and encouraging one another in the service and faith in the Sovereign God.
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Ronald Sutherlin - (10/7/2010 1:33:02 PM) : Hi Andy, thank you visiting my site. This is a 10 dollar business you should take a look at:
Vincent Jimenez - (9/6/2010 2:17:43 PM) : Hey Lim, I just wanted to thank you for visiting my site:
Ashley Maynard - (1/21/2010 6:22:51 PM) : Hello Lim,Thanks for accepting my invitation to be friends.I generally send my new friends a little presentation.It's on the way.God Bless!
Happy Days Goldfinder - (1/21/2010 2:49:22 PM) : Hello My New Friend, I hope you are well. If I can be of any help at all, please drop me a line. I have a huge team behind me, all experts, and we cover EVERY Topic. Happy Days ... ======================================== Get over 30 FREE Resale Rights Products!!


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