
Who is Steve Wade?

Steve Wade

Steve Wade
BirthdayThursday, December 26, 1963
Member SinceFriday, October 10, 2008
Last ActivityTuesday, August 25, 2009
LocationCincinnati, Ohio, United States United States
About Me
About Me

                        How I got Started


Hi my name is Steve Wade.  In 1991 I received a money making
magazine in the mail and my first business was started. It felt great
being my own boss. Most of the businesses I started were by mail
order and direct mail. The cost of doing business by mail was
getting expensive with postage and supplies to go with it. In 2001 I
received my first Dell computer and that's when life started for me. I
didn't have a lot of money to get started but I knew what I wanted to
do after looking at several money making opportunities on the internet.

I was in and out of affiliate marketing for years trying to search for
programs that made money! lots of money. So I started working
some of these programs and made some decent money. I thought
what if I just search the internet to find the best programs and put
them on a website to let other people know how to start a business. I
don't have the best looking website on the internet, but I do have
what people are looking for and that is content and great programs
to help you start a business.


My job is to find the best affiliate
marketing opportunities, products, and services that I use on a
regular bases here in one place to share with you. Just give me
sometime and I will have a lot of information so you can to start an
affiliate marketing or some other kind of business that will make you
lots of money. At we always strive to present you
with only the top affiliate programs online.

Steve Wade

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