
Who is Brownie Hamon?

Brownie Hamon

Brownie Hamon
Member SinceMonday, June 23, 2008
Last ActivityTuesday, February 28, 2012
Place of Origin
About Me
About Me
I am an oldie newbie trying to make ones mark in the wilderness of the internet... getting wary of all the hooks out there... but realise that one has to be in to make it... spent 22 years in the Army and seen much of SE Asia... happily married and have two grown up children out there in the world. Currently semi retired.. have worked mainly for myself since leaving the military in 1987 and still dabble a bit in the Home and Property Maintenance area.
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Cheryl Maples - (9/17/2010 6:53:08 AM) : Happy Birthday, Brownie! Have a great day! Cheryl


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