
Who is Kim Clark?

Kim Clark

Kim Clark
Member SinceWednesday, April 2, 2008
Last ActivitySunday, March 23, 2014
LocationPeterborough, Ontario, Canada Canada
About Me
About Me

My name is Kim Clark. I'm from Peterborough Ontario, Canada and I've been working from home for a total of 5 years. I'm now a member of The SpiderWeb Marketing System, which is the most powerful, efficient, and effective network marketing tool ever invented.


But before I tell you about it, let me tell you how I ended up as a part of this groundbreaking new system.


I have been doing Internet Marketing for about 5 years now, marketing products and services for various local companies, using online methods, such as websites and ebay.


I joined a network marketing company last May (2007) - not for the business, but for the products.


I was so impressed with the products, and what they did for me, and members of my family, that I decided to take a look at the business end of the company.

The business end of the company is just as impressive as the products. Within the first six months, I had the pleasure of meeting and listening to two of the top earners within the company.


They were so successful with this company, that they had both already earned in excess of one million dollars.  However, even though their systems of recruiting were obviously very successful for them, I knew deep down in my heart, that I couldn't do what they did. I am a very shy person, and I am at my best behind my laptop.

So, I decided that I would find my own way of building my business, and do it online... So, here I am... building my business completely 100% online.

So that's my journey through the world of MLM. Its been challenging and rewarding, but I've learned so much and I'm excited to now be a part of The SpiderWeb Marketing System.


One of the greatest parts about this system is that it is 100% FREE! Check out the site here to find out more:


The SpiderWeb System


Kim Clark


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Joelees Wholesale - (4/3/2008 3:31:05 PM) : Hi Kim,
Welcome to Adland Family Of Friends,Thank you for accepting my invite :-) I'm honored to be a member of your adland family. Gods speed my new friend :-) Lee
Kim Clark - (4/3/2008 3:31:05 PM) : Thank you Lee. This is all new to me... still learning.


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