
Who is Rebekah Spears?

Rebekah Spears

Rebekah Spears
BirthdayWednesday, July 27, 1955
Member SinceFriday, November 30, 2007
Last ActivitySaturday, October 10, 2015
LocationAdger, Alabama, United States United States
About Me
About Me
My husband and I lived in the hills of Ohio and are now missionaries in Lima, Peru, South America for over 10 years. We have 4 children and now have 5 grandchildren and another one on the way. Please watch this video and see if you want to take years away and look younger. You'll be amazed... go ahead and watch it. Thank you.
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Beth Schmillen - (8/4/2010 7:21:33 PM) : Hi Rebekah ~ stopping by to wish you a wonderful day! enjoy!
Rebekah Spears - (8/4/2010 12:50:52 PM) : This 10-day course will change the way you think about food poisoning, colds and flues, yeast infections, and bacterial infections (like pinkeye, ear infections, pneumonia, and even MRSA) forever, even if you only have a few free minutes to learn each day. Register below:
James Mckenzie - (7/31/2010 1:26:36 AM) : Hi Rebekah, It's great meeting you here at AdlandPro and good to have you as my friend, the place where many connections are made. James
John Gatto - (7/30/2010 6:32:30 PM) : Thanks need contacts 500 Million on Skype
Christel E. Agnes - (7/30/2010 5:23:21 PM) : We are changing lives Best regards, Chris
Vesselinka Tzonkova - (7/30/2010 4:59:50 PM) : I want to share this:
Vesselinka Tzonkova - (7/30/2010 4:55:24 PM) : Hi Rebekah,Thanks but my business is nice and beautiful,,refid=VT4844356
Bhavesh Nasit - (5/24/2010 3:24:12 AM) : see this blog ad 2 to 3 minute please
Jack Sunshine - (5/8/2010 5:12:42 PM) : Part Time from Home--Earn up to 5 checks Every Month Call toll free 1-800-617-5340 Recording #1 (testimonials) #2 (how the program works) Watch the videos and read everything At then if you like what you read And want to join me my costumer # 3292
Francisco Dejesus Rivera - (5/6/2010 5:22:53 AM) : Free Cell Phone Service Tracking> 33024 / Sponsor's Last Name> Dejesus Business Opportunity Call (760) 708-0714 Spanish (Español) Business Opportunity Call (760) 708-0713 Te Reto a Que llames And this is why I am contacting you today. Thank You, Francisco De Jesú


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