
Who is Susi Bradanini?

Susi Bradanini

Susi Bradanini
BirthdaySaturday, January 6, 1962
Member SinceWednesday, November 21, 2007
Last ActivityMonday, May 5, 2008
LocationBormio, Lombardia, Italy Italy
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Joelees Wholesale - (12/18/2007 3:31:27 PM) : Hi Susi,
Welcome to Adland Family Of Friends,Thank you for accepting my invite :-) I'm honored be to a member of your adland family. Gods speed my new friend :-) Lee
John Charles - (12/17/2007 4:02:58 PM) :

Joined: 06 Feb 2004
Total Posts: 4812 LawnChairMillionaire's Tactics border on illegal, and they can earn big backend profits from our names, too:
Posted: 12-16-2007 05:43 PM
I heard that the owners of LawnChair Millionaire, whoever they are, put a lot of study into creating this business.

From what I gather...

1. They obviously studied psychological scare tactics, how to get people to quickly join something by showing us rapidly increasing amounts of money on a website and saying that amount of money will decrease if we take too long to decide to join. That's a high-pressure tactic bordering on duress.

2. They studied how to generate a double opt-in list, first visitors need to enter our email address and first name, then after receiving the email from them, on the second visit we need to enter the activation code and our email address again. That's what's known as a verified double opt-in. LCM can now sell all those email addresses with first names, and also sell the full postal addresses of the people who paid, they can sell that information over and over to list companies. LCM is raking in a huge backend income from everyone's contact information. Do you know how valuable the names and addresses of buyers are? VERY valuable, and LCM can make multiple sales of the same list.

3. They studied how to deceive people about the investment involved. They put together a multi-page website which deliberately left out information on additional costs, and then they have the gall to charge people extra for the payout debit cards if they make fewer referrals or no referrals. LCM is charging people money if those members don't make any sign-ups. That in itself sounds absolutely illegal, to be expected to pay MORE for the card that pays you, just because you don't recruit, even though the business says "no recruiting necessary."

Cool stuff, at least I think so anyway:

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Larry Blethen

Joined: 26 Jun 2006
Total Posts: 2541Chat with me
Re: LawnChairMillionaire's Tactics border on illegal, and they can earn big backend profits from our names, too:
Posted: 12-16-2007 05:51 PM
hello Kathleen...thank you for the wonderful heads up on this one..

Happy Holidays...Larry

Larry Blethen,

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James Rundell jr

Joined: 21 May 2007
Total Posts: 83 Re: LawnChairMillionaire's Tactics border on illegal, and they can earn big backend profits from our names, too:
Posted: 12-16-2007 06:06 PM
I haven't even though I appreciate otherS' professionalism. I was responding to the LCM opp notices all over. I wish I could get as much exposure for a perfectly legal and proven business. I read the fine print and there is just too much hype and not enough type to explain the improprieties proposed in their offers!!! People are being duped before they even realizing it because they are now alot of legitimate busiesses and I think people need a reality check for snake oil opportuinities out there. Our guards have been tempered by realistic offers and most will tell you it is easy but does require effort! No lottery tickets I have seen can get all the numbers right to make any money!! So people ride this new hype assuming the acid test has been adminitered and passed! Well, much to many eager followers the message is quit diluted and the delivery questionablel. It seems after everyone jumps on the band wagon the only easy chair is the wagoneer reselling all your information and you are financing the trip!!! Paying processing costs to boot!! The Final test will be endurance, and that takes time.....I hope everyone fairs well but Im afraid and hoping that your lawn chair JIM

Nothing Changes... if Nothing Changes! WWW.INFINITESTREAMSTOWEALTH.COM

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Kathleen VanBeekom

Joined: 06 Feb 2004
Total Posts: 4812 Re: LawnChairMillionaire's Tactics border on illegal, and they can earn big backend profits from our names, too:
Posted: 12-16-2007 06:15 PM
Hi James,

LawnChair isn't about lottery tickets. Don't get confused. It's basically about raking in as much money as possible from as many people as possible, conveniently right before the holidays, promising big payouts just from recruiting other people.

Cool stuff, at least I think so anyway:

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Nehemiah Thomas

Joined: 14 Oct 2007
Total Posts: 41 Re: LawnChairMillionaire's Tactics border on illegal, and they can earn big backend profits from our names, too:
Posted: 12-16-2007 06:15 PM
(Now what about "PowerMall" and "Lotto Magic"???)

Nehemiah Thomas


Joined: 06 Feb 2004
Total Posts: 4812 LawnChairMillionaire's Tactics border on illegal, and they can earn big backend profits from our names, too:
Posted: 12-16-2007 05:43 PM
I heard that the owners of LawnChair Millionaire, whoever they are, put a lot of study into creating this business.

From what I gather...

1. They obviously studied psychological scare tactics, how to get people to quickly join something by showing us rapidly increasing amounts of money on a website and saying that amount of money will decrease if we take too long to decide to join. That's a high-pressure tactic bordering on duress.

2. They studied how to generate a double opt-in list, first visitors need to enter our email address and first name, then after receiving the email from them, on the second visit we need to enter the activation code and our email address again. That's what's known as a verified double opt-in. LCM can now sell all those email addresses with first names, and also sell the full postal addresses of the people who paid, they can sell that information over and over to list companies. LCM is raking in a huge backend income from everyone's contact information. Do you know how valuable the names and addresses of buyers are? VERY valuable, and LCM can make multiple sales of the same list.

3. They studied how to deceive people about the investment involved. They put together a multi-page website which deliberately left out information on additional costs, and then they have the gall to charge people extra for the payout debit cards if they make fewer referrals or no referrals. LCM is charging people money if those members don't make any sign-ups. That in itself sounds absolutely illegal, to be expected to pay MORE for the card that pays you, just because you don't recruit, even though the business says "no recruiting necessary."

Cool stuff, at least I think so anyway:

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Larry Blethen

Joined: 26 Jun 2006
Total Posts: 2541Chat with me
Re: LawnChairMillionaire's Tactics border on illegal, and they can earn big backend profits from our names, too:
Posted: 12-16-2007 05:51 PM
hello Kathleen...thank you for the wonderful heads up on this one..

Happy Holidays...Larry

Larry Blethen,

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James Rundell jr

Joined: 21 May 2007
Total Posts: 83 Re: LawnChairMillionaire's Tactics border on illegal, and they can earn big backend profits from our names, too:
Posted: 12-16-2007 06:06 PM
I haven't even though I appreciate otherS' professionalism. I was responding to the LCM opp notices all over. I wish I could get as much exposure for a perfectly legal and proven business. I read the fine print and there is just too much hype and not enough type to explain the improprieties proposed in their offers!!! People are being duped before they even realizing it because they are now alot of legitimate busiesses and I think people need a reality check for snake oil opportuinities out there. Our guards have been tempered by realistic offers and most will tell you it is easy but does require effort! No lottery tickets I have seen can get all the numbers right to make any money!! So people ride this new hype assuming the acid test has been adminitered and passed! Well, much to many eager followers the message is quit diluted and the delivery questionablel. It seems after everyone jumps on the band wagon the only easy chair is the wagoneer reselling all your information and you are financing the trip!!! Paying processing costs to boot!! The Final test will be endurance, and that takes time.....I hope everyone fairs well but Im afraid and hoping that your lawn chair JIM

Nothing Changes... if Nothing Changes! WWW.INFINITESTREAMSTOWEALTH.COM

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Kathleen VanBeekom

Joined: 06 Feb 2004
Total Posts: 4812 Re: LawnChairMillionaire's Tactics border on illegal, and they can earn big backend profits from our names, too:
Posted: 12-16-2007 06:15 PM
Hi James,

LawnChair isn't about lottery tickets. Don't get confused. It's basically about raking in as much money as possible from as many people as possible, conveniently right before the holidays, promising big payouts just from recruiting other people.

Cool stuff, at least I think so anyway:

If you feel this post violates the Adlandpro End User Terms & Conditions of Use you can report this post by clicking the confirm button, and then following up with your reason for reporting the post.

Nehemiah Thomas

Joined: 14 Oct 2007
Total Posts: 41 Re: LawnChairMillionaire's Tactics border on illegal, and they can earn big backend profits from our names, too:
Posted: 12-16-2007 06:15 PM
(Now what about "PowerMall" and "Lotto Magic"???)

Nehemiah Thomas


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