
Who is Janet A Armstrong?

Janet A Armstrong

Janet A Armstrong
BirthdaySunday, June 24, 1951
Member SinceTuesday, June 19, 2001
Last ActivityWednesday, June 10, 2009
LocationLeesville, Louisiana, United States United States
About Me
About Me
I haven't written anything about myself yet.
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N M - (3/19/2008 11:59:59 PM) : Please visit my sites:
Bogdan Wrzesinski - (12/6/2005 1:53:08 AM) : My Friend Janet AA:

Glad WE are ond the same Team 11 of 111. You All Are Awsome 11. Loving, Living and Learning.

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Al Sims - (11/28/2005 11:33:01 AM) : I have found Adland Pro to be an excellent place to network and Janet is a fine example of what makes this community so wonderful. Janet I look forward to networking with you in the very near future. I wish you the best with your business building ventures.
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Kathy Clouse - (11/20/2005 3:36:53 PM) : You are so happy looking I love your smile!! Kathy
Janet A Armstrong - (11/20/2005 3:36:53 PM) : Thanks Kathy. I love your cats. I only have one cat and his name is Mikey. I have 3 dogs, Bud, a black dog, Lil'l Bit, a small dog with huge eyes, and Dexter, a St. Bernard. Guess who rules our house. lol

Again, thanks for the very nice comments and the rating. It is very much appreciated.

Your friend,

Dr David King - (11/17/2005 2:06:16 AM) : Well Young Lady I spun the wheel and guess what It came up a 10 I tried to fudge to a 100 but shucks
they wouldn't let me
so I thought then perhaps
I should rate you ten times and
then we would be close to your rating.

I think it is kind of chick (the blouse that is) if you know what I mean, and what an awesome smile and face of kindness and caring you have.

I do hope you know that I am your friend and care deeply for you.

Thanks for joining SMEC I appreciate your faith in me and your support for what I am trying to do there.

With Warmest Regards
Dr David
Janet A Armstrong - (11/17/2005 2:06:16 AM) : Dr. King,

You are so kind as usual. It is my pleasure and priviledge to be a part of SMEC. It has already made such a change in me.

Thanks for the rating and for the kind and supportive words. I have just begun to grow and become the person that I know lives inside of me. With your help, I will not fail.

With Much Respect,


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