Hello, I never really have much to say, however, I must say you only get out of life what you put into it. Your life is like a bank. You deposit and you withdraw. Joining the ALP Community was one of the best decisions that I made. My account has been deposited with many friends. With this deposit I am able to dialogue, communicate, and share information as well as received information. I want to say thanks, to all who extended the invitation to welcome me as their friend.
My favorite programs are 24 and Prison Break. These are the only two programs that I enjoy watching on television, my computer is off 7pm-9pm central time Mondays only. I enjoy jogging, cooking, writing plays, tutoring children, my family and friends, traveling, counseling and mentoring others(children) and the company of my two dogs(shadow and shade).Last,but not least, I love when my money works for me. Psm 90:17