About Me
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About Me
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G'Day, greetings from Beautiful Australia...
Six months ago I thought that I would, as a means of earning a living, give networking a try.
I must confess I have not been very successful....
However,I wont be Quiting. Its just not in my nature to give up, some would say I am even stubborn. As I have no income I am determined that it's going to work and although this is hard its my driving force.
Nothing in life is FREE.If you think that all you have to do is JOIN a business, sit back and do nothing...... think again......YOU WILL FAIL.....
Some guru's out there will try to feed you crap and hype;- "Join this, its the best, go to bed, wake up in the morning there will be thousands in your bank account or there will be thousands of dollars under your Front Door Mat or I will make you a millionaire" YEAH right...what a load of crap........
Don't be fooled by this hype and rubbish.........
Starting an online or off-line business takes money and hard work, but it does have its rewards..... So take a leaf out of my book, believe in yourself, be a stayer and a doer.
My Interests
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My Interests
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Interests: Family, Friends, Interior Design, Self-Development, Fitness, Nutrition, Female Health, Cooking, Reading, Photography, Painting, Computers, Internet, Movies and Film, TV, Current Events, Music, Cars, Travel, Gardening, Nature, Dogs, Cats, Birds, Basketball
Industries: Advertising, Affiliates, E-Business, Networking, Self-Development, Female Health, Blogs, E-Books, Computers, Internet, Software