
Who is Bruce Arsenault?

Bruce Arsenault

Bruce Arsenault
BirthdayWednesday, April 27, 1949
Member SinceMonday, August 28, 2006
Last ActivityTuesday, May 8, 2012
LocationNoonan, New Brunswick, Canada Canada
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About Me
About Me

Hello My name is Bruce Arsenault, I have been in the full time Gospel Ministry for over 30 years now.


My wonderful wife Diana and I have been married for 27 of those years.

God has blessed us with three beautiful daughters, Melissa,Sarah,and Rebecca.

We also have two Grand Kids Zoe and Logan We reside in Noonan , NewBrunswick  Canada 


Worked  in the Life Insurance Industry for about  10 years which helped me support my family and provide the funds we needed as we were involved in Church building programs.


It was just recently that while I was looking for a home based business that I met Roland Dufault, we had a conversation on skype and he introduced me to the DHS Club. Hearing from Roland that he too had worked in the Life Insurance made it easy for me to trust what he was telling me about the resuidual income that can be earned from the DHS Club. 


With a goal to succeed  I saw that with time and work a person can build a residual income in the DHS Club. This is what I was looking for. The DHS Club is a 360 degree business that offers a future income for the members but also an environment for sales in the market place for the retail outlet.


Because of my involvement in the church and fund raising the DHS Club also offers an infinity program that makes it easy for the local non profit body to raise monies for their projects.


Starting a home based business that you know is going to be there for your children and their children is the kind of business I want to be involved with. The support of Roland Dufault  has made me believe that the DHS Club will be there when you need the support.


The DHS Club also offers training that you need to be  successful in building a resudial income that will last for years to come, and allow you to enjoy your God given life to the fullest.


Everyone needs a goal in life. The DHS Club has been designed to help us all reach that goal. Not only can we reach our goal  but we can help others to do the same. I look forward to working with you and helping you succeed in your goal to build a future in the DHS Club.

Thank you for visiting our site.

My Interests
My Interests (4)
Interests: Religion, Music
Industries: E-Business, Investing
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