
Who is Theresa Myers?

Theresa Myers

Theresa Myers
BirthdaySaturday, November 1, 1969
Member SinceTuesday, July 18, 2006
Last ActivityTuesday, October 14, 2008
LocationSaint Petersburg, Florida, United States United States
About Me
About Me

 Hello Everyone!!

I am just a 37 year old girl trying to make some extra money online. I work full time at a place called Raytheon. I also have an internet business, we make t-shirts, hoodies and tank tops and we do custom embroidery.We specialize in Nightmare Before Christmas, The Punisher, Bon Jovi and the Sopranos.  We can also make any shirt you want. Check us out at or send us an email at and we can hook ya up. You can advertise the business you are in on your shirt!!


I recently came across this website and since I joined 2 days ago, I already have 3 people under me. It is an excellent program and only cost a one time fee of $5. Please check it out here:


If you are not sure about a program or safelist, you must read this website. Wish I had read it a year ago. Very familiar names in there. Just updated June 8th. This is a must read website for anyone who uses blasters or safelist.


Here is just a free to promote your url website:
One more free website to get over 5000 leads every day:


 I would like to invite you to get all your free tools here at the super gifts website. There are many free tools and programs to give you all the help you need with any business. Please check it out and let me know what you think!



I would love to share marketing ideas with anyone interested. Just add me to your friends and send me a message. Thanks!!!

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Joelees Wholesale - (6/18/2007 4:39:14 PM) : Hi Theresa,
Thank you for accepting my invite :-) I'm honored be to a member of your adland family. Gods speed my new friend :-) Lee
