
Who is Gary Pugsley?

Gary Pugsley

Gary Pugsley
Member SinceSunday, July 16, 2006
Last ActivityWednesday, August 24, 2022
LocationPortland, Tennessee, United States United States
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About Me
About Me
Hello Folks,
I had been offline for quite a few months first working in another state then caring for a friend who had terminal cancer.
I was born and raised in Massachusetts but also lived Maine,Pennsylvania,Florida, and California and presently live in Tennessee with my wife, daughter and dogs. I currently drive a semi hauling fuel for a chain of truck stops and work with an awesome networking company. I ran 2 successful brick and mortar businesses, one roofing and one diving. I have also worked in many phases of construction and 10 years in the oilfields. I worked as a commercial diver. I love to travel and have traveled extensively across North America and Alaska by land and sea above and below (the sea that is). I have also traveled to Mexico,Germany, and Czech Republic.
We enjoy meeting good caring people and are currently working with a successful well established Global Network Marketing Team called Team united International while building our team.
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Danny Kuhlmann - (3/30/2015 9:32:25 PM) : If you co pay on meds is $10 or more you need this, we also have insurance for dental and glasses and pet meds, you can also do this job giving out free cards and making money helping people.
Mohamed Hassan - (1/26/2015 12:07:08 PM) : Fortunes gravitate to men whose minds have been prepared to attract them, just as surely as water gravitates to the ocean."Napoleon Hill"
Ralph White - (12/29/2014 5:49:11 AM) : You become what you believe. The secret of business is to know something that very few people know and never let a good opportunity pass you by because you are to afraid to take a chance.
Luis Miguel Goitizolo - (12/21/2014 3:37:11 PM) : Thanks for the kind invite to connect :)
Michael Caron - (12/16/2014 4:50:47 AM) : Great to see good people coming back. We miss you. ~Mike~
Rosuel Pazon - (8/8/2014 3:21:04 PM) : I want to share this for everybody. Work at home. Stop Earning Cents. Earn Dollars with this site:
Eron Miah - (7/20/2014 2:15:24 PM) : Forever business Opportunity ?
Eron Miah - (7/19/2014 11:44:18 PM) :
Gary Pugsley - (7/15/2014 8:53:18 PM) : Thank You all Have a great week.


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