
Who is Gary Fowler?

Gary Fowler

Gary Fowler
BirthdayThursday, November 9, 1944
Member SinceSaturday, December 24, 2005
Last ActivityMonday, January 31, 2011
LocationNewark, New Jersey, United States United States
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About Me
About Me

Hi Everyone,

If you haven't already guessed, I am the newbie around here, so you will have to bear with me, until I discover everything and see how it all functions. I just recently retired and I am really enjoying my new found freedom from the dreary 9 to 5 day. I guess you call me a jack of all trades and master of none. I think that my biggest accomplishment to date is the computer. Now I wouldn't give it up for all the tea in China. Up until two years ago I didn't want to have anything to do with one. I started out like most everyone else, just browsing. Then on a whim I tried selling on eBay. It was a quite a learning experience. Now I am on the verge of broadening my horizons ( spreading my wings as they say ).  I have a new internet retail store dealing with golf supplies, as I am an avid golfer. Anyone that wants to become my friend, are welcome to send me an email. I will respond as soon as possible as my website keeps me fairly busy. Well Ta Ta as they say in the old country.

Gary Fowler    

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Jan (aka) Jaz Green - (11/5/2009 11:23:20 PM) : Happy Birthday Gary :)
Joelees Wholesale - (9/7/2007 10:34:16 AM) : Hi Gary,
Thank you for accepting my invite :-) I'm honored be to a member of your adland family. Gods speed my new friend :-) Lee
Gary Fowler - (9/7/2007 10:34:16 AM) : Hi Lee,

Thanks again. Your rating of me as a freind is deeply appreciated.

Peace and Prosperity,

Gary Fowler
Monica S - (6/16/2007 11:51:58 AM) : Gary,

Hi, I rate you a 10. You are wonderful person, and I wish we could see more of you in the Forums.

Good Luck in all that you do!

Gary Fowler - (6/16/2007 11:51:58 AM) : Dear Monica,

I am so sorry about my resonse being so late, but honestly this is the first time I have seem this. Without you and your mothers support through your emails or here at ALP, I would have thrown in the towel long ago. I am always so busy that I do not find the time to participate in forums. Besides,the forums that I did submit were very disappointing by the lack of reviews by our fellow constituents here at Adland. In fact from my findings some of my forums did not get any notice at all. Being disheartened and dissatisfied I no longer wish to take part in the fallacy.
Thank you for the recognition I am deeply touch by your sincerity.

Peace and Prosperity,

Gary Fowler
Bj Burgess - (6/13/2007 11:59:09 PM) : Hi Gary

I rated you a 10, because you are a very special person and a very good friend. I miss seeing you in the forums, but I know you stay pretty busy.

Just wanted to say thanks for being my friend.

Gary Fowler - (6/13/2007 11:59:09 PM) :
Hi Bj,
Thanks. A rating of 10 coming from you means a whole lot to me. I don't now how I can thank you enough for helping me with everything concerning the internet and all it has to offer. As you know I am a very busy person. I did not think I would ever be this busy after I retired. I probably work more hours now than I did when I had an offline job.
I wish I had more time to spend with the forums,but....! Anyway just to bring you up to date. My golfsupplies4less website was hacked by an unknow party. So until I get another site up an running that will be down for a little while. Let this be a warning to all people who have a website on the net. It can happen to anybody. Does it hurt your business? You bet it does. How much business do you figure you would lose when your website is out of commission for any amount of time.
Bj, thanks again for your support and the rating. You are more than just a friend.

Love Ya,



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