
Who is Kelley Hirst?

Kelley Hirst

Kelley Hirst
Member SinceTuesday, July 19, 2005
Last ActivitySaturday, August 3, 2024
LocationWinnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Canada
About Me
About Me
In short, I am a writer and internet marketer. I have been looking for ways to escape the 9-5 grind in order to fund an acting career. I have been on the quest for the best internet opportunities on the net since 1999. I believe in the power of the internet and that we can have the lifestyle we want. It isn't easy but it can be simplified when you have the right knowledge. What is more, I hate to pay for stuff when you can get it for free. I will do my best to scope out the best free or low-cost newbie friendly opportunities and let you know which ones have merit.
My Interests
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Maurice Williams - (12/8/2011 6:41:48 AM) : It's the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen. Muhammad Ali
Sol Fernandez - (10/21/2008 4:40:10 PM) : Very informative and economical to keep. Your website very colorful and abundant.


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