
Who is Ivie A. Schoenen?

Ivie A. Schoenen

Ivie A. Schoenen
Member SinceTuesday, June 21, 2005
Last ActivitySaturday, April 18, 2009
LocationPolson, Montana, United States United States
About Me
About Me

 About Me....


Is A Concept And A Life's Philosophy I Have Always Lived By.

To keep life in balance you must have a " RHYTHM" to flow thur lifes journey.

It is that rhythm that gives you momentum to move forward as you sway to and fro thus

creating your own " ART" that you see within yourself and others see in you.



This say's it all for me.


Author: Ivie Schoenen

Created 4.13.08





Artnrhythm is a domain name

owned by Ivie S.

Concept and Philosopy

Penned and Created By,

ME, Ivie S.

Above Content is Copywrited

and Protected by Law.

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Ed Libertyed - (5/4/2009 9:33:40 AM) : Like to add you to my list of friends?


What is Qassia?

Well Qassia means is a shrub or small tree, Quassia amara, of tropical America, having pinnate leaves, showy red flowers, and wood with a bitter taste. Compare quassia family.

2. any of several other trees having bitter-tasting wood.

3. Also called bitterwood. Chemistry, Pharmacology. a prepared form of the heartwood of any of these trees, used as an insecticide and in medicine as a tonic to dispel intestinal worms.

All of the above is true, but Quassia, is also a place where you can write your own storie and share in the advertising
from adds place on the network. Not only earning from reading other Intels from members of Quassia, but also a site where you can promote your business oppertunities.

Making friends from all around the globe is also very esay, interesting articles to read and get paid Quassia $$$$$$$

I have listed what you could earn below for each intel:

For screening incoming intel, users are awarded $5 ~ $9 in Qassia bucks depending on the length of the intel screened.

Also below, this is what I have earned from reading and placing my own stories todate $2533.00

04/26/09 21:18 DEP Screening [Keeping Your Job] $9 $1,621
04/27/09 06:48 DEP Screening [3 Ways Article Marketing Will Help Your Business] $7 $1,628
04/27/09 07:51 DEP Screening [4 Sensible Home Based Businesses For Recession ...] $9 $1,637
04/27/09 12:59 DEP Screening [Selecting The Best Entry Hardware For Your Home] $9 $1,646
04/29/09 02:16 DEP Screening [Filing and IRS Bankruptcy Guidelines] $9 $1,655
Carryover $878
Sub-Total $1,655
Grand Total $2,533

I think this is a good way of making an extra income from home, by placing your own stories or just reading other members intel.

Click on the link below for more information on Quassia. Nothing to purchase, no monthly fees. All "FREE"


If you don't know what to write about, Quasia gives you each week a topic to write on, this will help you get started

So all you need to do is get started and watch your earnings grow at.

Good Look with your writing.

Libertyed :)
Mary Decker - (11/15/2008 8:16:15 PM) : I tried to get into your website and I got a 404 error.

Mary Jean Decker


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