
Who is Marlin Carter?

Marlin Carter

Marlin Carter
BirthdayMonday, August 25, 1952
Member SinceFriday, May 13, 2005
Last ActivitySunday, December 14, 2008
LocationDesoto, Texas, United States United States
About Me
About Me
My name is Marlin Carter, I live in DeSoto, TX. I'm a Distributor with TNI and I'm looking for a few individuals that want to make money marketing an incredible product everyone wants. Product reorder rates are in the 90% range. Wellness consciousness is exploding and people are seeking home businesses in Record Numbers! I'm offering you an opportunity that capitalizes on the next trillion-dollar industry – health and wellness, and you can position yourself to profit from its growth. You do NOT have to have an extensive technical background to succeed, but rather the burning desire to maximize your income and improve your lifestyle. If you have that desire, please look over the websites below and get back to me as soon as you can. Tahitian Noni International:
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Denyse Misher - (2/28/2007 12:52:34 PM) : Pretty good...but if you would like to try any 4Life products give me a call.


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