
Who is Lillian Ferguson?

Lillian Ferguson

Lillian Ferguson
Member SinceTuesday, April 19, 2005
Last ActivityTuesday, March 16, 2010
LocationSummerville, South Carolina, United States United States
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American Bulldogs

The American Bulldog originated in the USA, developed by John D. Johnson and Alan Scott. Bred for strength and athleticism, the American Bulldog was originally used for catching livestock, and protecting property. Typically, this breed is muscular, athletic, and powerful. They need adequate daily exercise for fitness and contentment. Height ranges from 19-28 inches. Weight ranges from 65-130 lbs.

A courageous, loyal breed, the American Bulldog's temperament is confident, gentle, fearless, and protective. Self-assured and fearless, they should not be overly aggressive and vicious toward other dogs. A courageous, loyal breed with natural protective instincts it must be trained well and handled sensibly. American Bulldogs make great family pets and are excellent guardian and watchdogs.

Other Names: Old Country Bulldog, Old English White
Origin: USA
Size: Large
Life Expectancy: 12-15 Years
Coat: Short, Smooth, needs regular brushing when in the shedding season.
Colors: Solid White, Red Brindle, All Other Brindles, Red, Fawn, And Piebald
Height: 19-28 inches
Weight: 65-130 lbs
Exercise: Daily Exercise Needed
Temperament: Fearless, Self-assured, Confident, Protective
Training: Early Socialization - Exposure to other pets and people, Obedience Training
Registries: ABA, NKC, ABRA, UKC

Dog Breeds
Affenpinscher | Afghan Hound | Aidi | Ainu Dog | Airedale Terrier | Akbash Dog | Akita | Alapaha Blueblood Bulldog | Alaskan Husky | Alaskan Klee Kai | Alaskan Malamute | Alsatian | American Bandogge | American Bulldog | American Cocker Spaniel | American Eskimo | American Foxhound | American Hairless Terrier | American Indian Dog | American Lo-Sze Pugg | American Pit Bull | American Staffordshire | American Tundra Shepherd | American Water Spaniel | Anatolian Shepherd | Anglo-Francais | Appenzeller Mountain Dog | Argentino Dogo | Ariegeois | Atlas Shepherd Dog | Australian Cattle Dog | Australian Kelpie | Australian Koolie | Australian Shepherd | Australian Terrier | Austrian Pinscher | Azawakh | Azores Cattle Dog

Barak | Barbet |Basenji | Basset Artesian Normand | Basset Fauve De Bretagne | Basset Hound | Beagle | Bearded Collie | Beauceron | Bedlington Terrier | Belgian Laekenois | Belgian Malinois | Belgian Shepherd Dog | Belgian Tervuren | Bergamasco | Berger de Beauce | Berger de Brie | Berger De Picard | Berger des Pyrenees | Bernese Mountain Dog | Bernhardiner |Bichon Frise | Black and Tan Coonhound | Black Forest Hound | Black Russian Terrier | Blackmouth Cur | Bleus de Gascogne | Bloodhound | Blue Lacy | Bluetick Coonhound | Boerboel | Bohemian Wirehaired Pointing Griffon | Bolognese | Bordeauxdogge | Border Collie | Border Terrier | Borzoi | Boston Terrier | Bouvier des Flandres | Boxer | Boykin Spaniel | Bracco Italiano | Braque d'Ariege | Braque d'Auvergne | Braque du Bourbonnais | Braque Dupuy | Braque Saint-Germain | Braques Francais | Briard | Brittany | Broholmer | Bruno De Jura | Brussels Griffon | Buhund | Bulldog | Bull Terrier | BullMastiff

Ca de Bou | Cairn Terrier | Canaan Dog | Canadian Eskimo Dog | Canarian Warren Hound | Cane Corso | Cane da Pastore Bergamasco | Cane da Pastore Maremmano-Abruzzese | Cao da Serra da Estrela | Cao da Serra de Aires | Cao de Castro Laboreiro | Cao de Fila de Sao Miguel | Cardigan Welsh Corgi | Carolina Dog | Castro Laboreiro | Catahoula Leopard Dog | Catalan Sheepdog | Caucasian Ovtcharka | Cavalier King Charles Spaniel | Central Asia Shepherd Dog | Cesky Fousek | Cesky Terrier | Chart Polski | Chesapeake Bay Retriever | Chihuahua | Chinese Crested | Chinese Foo Dog | Chinese Shar-Pei | Chinook | Chow Chow | Cirneco dell'Etna | Clumber Spaniel | Cockapoo | Cocker Spaniel, American | Cocker Spaniel, English | Collie | Collie, Bearded | Collie, Border | Coonhound, Black and Tan | Coonhound, Bluetick | Coonhound, English | Coonhound, Redbone | Coonhound, Treeing Walker | Corgi | Coton de Tuléar | Curly-Coated Retriever | Czechoslovakian Wolfdog

Dachshund | Dalmatian | Dandie Dinmont Terrier | Danish Broholmer | Deerhound | Dingo | Doberman Pinscher | Dogo Argentino | Dogue De Bordeaux | Do-Khyi | Drever | Dutch Shepherd

East Siberian Laika | Elkhound, Norwegian | Elkhound, Swedish | English Bulldog | English Cocker Spaniel | English Coonhound | English Foxhound | English Mastiff | English Pointer | English Setter | English Shepherd | English Springer Spaniel | English Toy Spaniel | English Toy Terrier | Entlebucher Mountain Dog | Epagneul Breton | Epagneul Picard | Erdelyi Kopo | Eskimo Dog, American | Eskimo Dog, Canadian | Estrela Mountain Dog | Eurasier

Field Spaniel | Fila Brasileiro | Finnish Lapinporokoira | Finnish Lapphund | Finnish Spitz | Flat-Coated Retriever | Foo Dog | Fox Terrier - Toy | Foxhound, American | Foxhound, English | French Bulldog | French Water Dog

Galgo Espanol | German Coolie | German Hunting Terrier | German Longhaired Pointer | German Pinscher | German Shepherd | German Shorthaired Pointer | German Spitz | German Wirehaired Pointer | Giant Schnauzer | Giant Spitz | Glen of Imaal Terrier | Goldendoodle | Golden Retriever | Gordon Setter | Gos d'Atura Catala | Great Dane | Great Pyrenees | Greater Swiss Mountain Dog | Greenland Dog | Greyhound | Griffon Bruxellois | Groenendael

Hamilton Stovare | Harrier | Havanese | Hokkaido | Hovawart | Husky

Ibizan Hound | Iceland Sheepdog | Inuit Sled Dog | Irish Glen of Imaal Terrier | Irish Red and White Setter | Irish Setter | Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier | Irish Terrier | Irish Water Spaniel | Irish Wolfhound | Italian Greyhound | Italian Pointing Dog | Italian Spinone | Italian Volpino | Italian Wirehaired Pointing Dog

Jack Russell Terrier | Jagdterrier | Jamthund | Japanese Chin | Japanese Spitz | Japanese Terrier | Jugoslavian Herder

Kai | Kangal Dog | Kaninchen-Dachshund | Karelian Bear Dog | Karelo-Finnish Laika | Keeshond | Kerry Blue Terrier | King Shepherd | Kishu | Komondor | Kooikerhondje | Koolie | Korean Jindo | Korean Pungsan | Kuvasz | Kyi Leo

Labradoodle | Labrador Retriever | Laekenois | Laika | Lakeland Terrier | Lancashire Heeler | Lapponian Herder | Large Munsterlander | Leonberger | Lhasa Apso | Lowchen | Lundehund | Lurcher

Malamute | Malinois | Mallorca Mastiff | Mallorquin Bulldog | Maltese | Manchester Terrier | Maremma Sheepdog | Mastiff | Mastin de los Pirineos | Mastin Espanol | Mastino Napoletano | McNab | Mexican Hairless | Middle Asian Ovtcharka | Mi-Ki | Miniature Bull Terrier | Miniature Dachshund | Miniature Pinscher | Miniature Schnauzer | Moscow Longhaired Toy Terrier | Mountain View Cur | Mudi | Munsterlander, Large | Munsterlander, Small

Neapolitan Mastiff | New Guinea Singing Dog | Newfoundland | Nihon Supittsu | Nihon Teria | Norbottenspitz | Norfolk Terrier | Norwegian Buhund | Norwegian Elkhound | Norwegian Lundehund | Norwich Terrier | Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever

Old English Mastiff | Old English Sheepdog | Olde English Bulldogge | Otterhound | Owczarek Podhalandski

Papillon | Pariah | Parson Jack Russell Terrier | Parson Russell Terrier | Patterdale Terrier | Pekingese | Pembroke Welsh Corgi | Perro de Agua Español | Perro de Pastor Mallorquin | Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen | Pharaoh Hound | Picardy Shepherd | Picardy Spaniel | Pit Bull Terrier | Plott Hound | Podenco | Pointer | Polish Lowland Sheepdog | Polish Tatra Sheepdog | Polski Owczarek Nizinny | Polski Owczarek Podhalanski | Pomeranian | Poodle: Toy | Portuguese Sheepdog | Portuguese Water Dog | Presa | Pug | Puggle | Puli | Pumi | Pungsan | Pyrenean Mastiff | Pyrenean Mountain Dog | Pyrenean Shepherd

Rat Terrier | Redbone Coonhound | Rhodesian Ridgeback | Riesenschnauzer | Rottweiler | Russian Wolfhound | Russo-European Laika

Saarloos Wolfdog | Saint Bernard | Saluki | Samoyed | Sarplaninac | Schapendoes | Schiller Hound | Schipperke | Schnauzer | Scottish Deerhound | Scottish Terrier | Sealyham Terrier | Segugio Italiano | Seppala Siberian Sleddog | Shar-Pei | Shetland Sheepdog | Shiba Inu | Shih Tzu | Shikoku | Shiloh Shepherd | Siberian Husky | Siberian Laika | Silken Windhound | Silky Terrier | Skye Terrier | Sloughi | Small Munsterlander | Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier | South Russian Ovtcharka | South Russian Steppe Hound | Spanish Mastiff | Spanish Sighthound | Spanish Water Dog | Spinone Italiano | Springer Spaniel | Stabyhoun | Staffordshire Bull Terrier | Standard Schnauzer | Suomenlapinkoira | Sussex Spaniel | Swedish Dachsbracke | Swedish Elkhound | Swedish Vallhund

Tchiorny Terrier | Teddy Roosevelt Terrier | Tenterfield Terrier | Tervuren | Thai Ridgeback Dog | Tibetan Kyi-Apso | Tibetan Mastiff | Tibetan Spaniel | Tibetan Terrier | Tora Dog | Tosa Inu | Toy Fox Terrier | Toy Manchester Terrier | Toy Poodle | Transylvanian Hound | Tree Walker Coonhound | Tyrolean Hound


Vastgotaspets | Vizsla | Volpino

Weimaraner | Welsh Corgi | Welsh Springer Spaniel | Welsh Terrier | West Highland White Terrier | West Siberian Laika | Whippet | White Shepherd | Wirehaired Pointing Griffon | Wolfdog | Wolfspitz


Yorkshire Terrier | Yugoslavian Shepherd Dog


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Phillip Black - (8/1/2010 11:20:22 PM) : Hi Lillian. Understand that you are celebrating a Birthday this week. Just wanted to stop by to Wish You the Happiest Of Birthdays as well as a Wonderful Week. As Always, Thanks for being my Friend here at Adland. Phil
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