
Who is Pandapotan Sinaga?

Pandapotan Sinaga

Pandapotan Sinaga
BirthdayTuesday, March 2, 1954
Member SinceThursday, March 17, 2005
Last ActivityThursday, September 27, 2007
LocationJakarta, Jakarta (DKI), Indonesia Indonesia
About Me
About Me
I am, Pandapotan Sinaga, male, married, have one daughter (married and yet has 1 son ). I live at Jakarta, Indonesia as an archipelago Country at the South East Asia and North-West Australia. My education background is graduated in civil construction field and have been retired from regular working as an employee of a company. Now I am working as a freelance consultant for civil construction engineering. In social field I am as a volunteer for a big Christian Hospital at Jakarta for renovation and maintanance of the hospital's building and infrastructures. I am a member of a choir in my church and sometimes to be a social worker of my church activity. I am one of the team advicer of my tribe group 'Sinaga' as a sub ethnics of Batak from North Sumatera. Besides that for about last 3 years I have another activity in home internet business in part time. I work as an affiliate to sell or/and as a referrer to grow the business networking. Several products and services I have tried on my internet business. I don't have my own product or service because I think there are so many products and services that offer in internet to sell and to promote. The last product and services I promote you can read here: If anything you want to know anymore about me do not hesitate to contact me.
My Interests
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Kathy Hamilton - (5/15/2007 2:54:54 AM) : Welcome very glad you are here, great website,I am here if you need anything I am the angel of Adland so please feel free any time if you need anything.
Kathy Hamilton
Robert Scarff - (11/24/2006 11:33:20 PM) : .
Joelees Wholesale - (10/28/2006 9:52:22 AM) : Hi Pandapotan,
Thank you for the invite I'm honored be to a member of your adland family, God speed my new friend :-)Lee


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