
Who is Sandi Merriman?

Sandi Merriman

Sandi Merriman
BirthdaySaturday, October 22, 1960
Member SinceSunday, March 13, 2005
Last ActivityWednesday, April 12, 2006
LocationBuckeye, Arizona, United States United States
About Me
About Me
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Lee Talmadge - (6/10/2005 1:20:23 PM) : Sandi,
Nice work on your website ,we seem to have the same great taste in items :-) Keep up the great work .
Sandi Merriman - (6/10/2005 1:20:23 PM) : Thanks Lee...

It always feels good to get a 10 and you and Colleen have been very kind. I like honesty and since we seem to be in the same market...I will take your rating as a valued and honest compliment from a co-business affiliate. That was very sweet of you.

Dwayne Carter - (5/5/2005 8:22:59 PM) : Like your store I have one simular not as great looking as yours but I'm working on it.
Sandi Merriman - (5/5/2005 8:22:59 PM) : Hi Dwayne,

How sweet, and I am glad you like my store. Thanks for the compliments and good luck to you and your store.



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