
Who is Derek Halliburton?

Derek Halliburton

Derek Halliburton
Member SinceMonday, March 7, 2005
Last ActivityTuesday, November 18, 2008
LocationPalmdale, California, United States United States
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About Me

 Just A Note To The Wise!
Blessing And Much Love To You All! Remember: Thank The Most High Yahweh For Wakening You Up This  Day And Blessing You With Health, Wealth, And Success!

The First Four Letter In Health Is Heal: And So It Is. Praise Yahweh!
Health Means: A state of being sound or whole in mind and body. Oneness with the Christ Mind Of Yahweh assures perfect health. Health is the normal condition of man and woman, a condition true to the Truth of his being. Health is from within and does not have to be manufactured in the without. It is the very essence of Being, universal and enduring.

That which seems to be sickness does not exist in Truth. When man becomes so much at one with Yahweh-Mind that he abides in the consciousness of health, he enters the eternal peace in which he knows that "it is finished" (John 19:30). To know Yahweh as health one must take up the study of the healthy mind and make it and not physical appearance the basis of every calculation.

Health and the word--Experiences, innumerable times repeated, prove the power of words to bring health. Health is potential in the real of your being. Health can always be demonstrated through the power of the spoken word.                                                                                Wealth Means: True wealth is a state of consciousness, the consciousness of  God Yahweh as man's supply. Spiritual wealth expresses itself as Faith, Love, Wisdom, Substance, Joy, and so on. Material wealth expresses as worldly riches, possessions of an earthly nature.
Success Means: Attainment of a desired goal. Success comes as the result of faithfulness and earnestness in the application of Yahweh's law.

When success fails to crown our efforts, we sometimes become discouraged and quit. Then we try to console ourselves with the thought that it is Yahweh's will for us to fail. Failure is not Yahweh's will, but man lays it to the charge of God to excuse his own feeling of inadequacy and defeat. Yahweh's will is health, happiness, and prosperity for every man and woman; and to have all that is good and beautiful is to express Yahweh's will for us. I Will Talk To Soon, This Is Just A Note To Let You Know I Am Thinking Of You
Take Care! love Yah! Derek/Abraham
Health.  Wealth.  Success.
Health.  Wealth.  Success.
Health.  Wealth.  Success.
Health.  Wealth.  Success.
Health.  Wealth.  Success.
Health.  Wealth.  Success

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Karen Carcel - (9/3/2006 3:20:16 AM) : savesu

I cured my self so I new Icould cure every body else. Suggest to you watching the, where I bought a million Shares in prime time productions, maybe you have not heard of them.I also suggest that you check out the following websites for your perusal. Unless you are frightened something nice might just happen to,,

Don't you think you owe this knowledge to your children or are you Happy to see the government keep poisoning you for a billion dollar Industry of prescription drugs meant to kill if you are happy with this take no Notice because how you sleep at night with this knowledge is beyond My imagination I have enclosed my poem which is being published.

DESIRE@Karen Carcel

Desire is the serum of the soul secreted to the universe in thought
Binding the energies of creation form given genesis in one new Image.
I am, I am what I will I will what I believe I believe what I Accept
I accept what I love I love what I am I am.

Have a nice day

According to

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Natural Cures
Health Science Institute

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