
Who is Richard Tolar?

Richard Tolar

Richard Tolar
BirthdaySaturday, August 15, 1942
Member SinceMonday, July 5, 2004
Last ActivitySaturday, September 17, 2011
LocationHudsonville, Michigan, United States United States
About Me
About Me

I'm kind of new to internet marketing. I've been on the web for a long time, but new to marketing. I'm in my 60s ??? and about 6 years ago I suffered a ruptured brain aneurysm. That's a weak spot in an artery in the brain that burst.

Survival rate is down in the mud. I'm one of the few very lucky ones. However, It did mess up my life. I have to climb back on the learning curve accomplish most everything I do. Think of it as having your brain stuffed into a mix-master and turned on high. It will mess up everything you may have known and taken for granted. Simple everyday things.

  • Knowing your name.
  • Driving. I drove for more than 40 years. Now I'm trying to learn how to start the car.
  • Finding your way from one end of your house to the other.
  • Knowing when your birthday is.
  • Knowing what your children's names are.

This list can go on forever. As you can probably tell, I do know how to type and spell words. I sort of lucked out on that. However, there are still quite a few things I have to work on.

It just takes one step at a time. "Baby Steps" like they say in the movie, "What About Bob?"

There's a lot more truth than fiction in that than meets the eye.

I'll add to this as I go along.

Til later


A NOTE: I did find a good affiliate program that is starting to pay off.

Here's the plug... Affiliate Silver Bullet

My Interests
My Interests (1)
Industries: Family
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Kathy Hamilton - (9/11/2006 2:57:08 AM) : Hello Sir,
Very interesting site, welcome glad your here,kathyM
Karen Carcel - (9/3/2006 3:22:29 AM) : savesu

I cured my self so I new Icould cure every body else. Suggest to you watching the, where I bought a million Shares in prime time productions, maybe you have not heard of them.I also suggest that you check out the following websites for your perusal. Unless you are frightened something nice might just happen to,,

Don't you think you owe this knowledge to your children or are you Happy to see the government keep poisoning you for a billion dollar Industry of prescription drugs meant to kill if you are happy with this take no Notice because how you sleep at night with this knowledge is beyond My imagination I have enclosed my poem which is being published.

DESIRE@Karen Carcel

Desire is the serum of the soul secreted to the universe in thought
Binding the energies of creation form given genesis in one new Image.
I am, I am what I will I will what I believe I believe what I Accept
I accept what I love I love what I am I am.

Have a nice day

According to

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Natural Cures
Health Science Institute

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