
Who is Juan McClore?

Juan McClore

Juan McClore
BirthdayFriday, June 28, 1957
Member SinceSunday, June 13, 2004
Last ActivityThursday, May 1, 2008
LocationMemphis, Tennessee, United States United States
About Me
About Me
A technologist knowledgeable in e-finance as it relates to internet investment companies, a student of business, and a person who likes to make new friends. I am still alive enough to dream big, and wise enough to know that they do come true.
My Interests
My Interests (4)
Interests: Learning, Music
Industries: Investing, Internet
Comments (6)
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Jack Sunshine - (3/29/2010 1:53:44 AM) : EASTER SAVINGS SALE Orders over $99.00 take 30% off mention Code SS30 Orders over $49.00 take 15% OFF MENTION CODE SS15. Become a Distributor and start you own at home jewelry business selling to, friends, neighbors and business associates, also making home parties. It's easy and it's fun to earn money as a Distributor. For Information CALL : 1-800-767-4469...
Thomass Jaymess Erskine - (9/13/2006 10:30:53 PM) : Excellent my friend excellent

Christopher Martin - (8/8/2005 5:22:58 PM) : Mr. McClore,

I have reveiwed your website and you have a good handle on this topic, congratulations are in order. I will be following up with an email to you as you requested. Again, I look forward to a long and prosperous relationship between us.
Juan McClore - (8/8/2005 5:22:58 PM) : Thanks. I am proud to have recieved your compliments graciously and looking forward to collaborating with you too. I read recently somewhere that this type of investing is the next 'big thing' and I agree. It is exciting to be in on the beginning of it, all the rapid change, and expansion of the investment world and its merger with the new.

Looking forward to beneficial and informative discussions
Jan (aka) Jaz Green - (8/4/2005 6:25:52 PM) : Hello Juan:

I am interested in finding writers to help promote AdlandPro to "tag" status in Qassia. The site directory is tags and more written submissions about AdlandPro can help the community rise to tag status. This is possible to accomplish with free backlinks to your website(s). Example:
Juan McClore - (8/4/2005 6:25:52 PM) : Thanks, I signed up for bankmlm pre-launch program and I rated you too.



ExpertInvestment program:


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