
Who is Rich Parker?

Rich Parker

Rich Parker
BirthdayMonday, September 13, 1965
Member SinceThursday, May 13, 2004
Last ActivityMonday, September 24, 2018
LocationJacksonville, Florida, United States United States
About Me
About Me

I've been developing software connecting computers to people, and to other computers, since 1980.  There probably isn't a major language out there I haven't had to play with or fix.


I'm currently doing C/C++ on PCs and PDAs in the healthcare environment for another firm, while doing PHP for my own little company.


I'm a bigtime lover of dogs and cats... Lost my 13-year-old shephard/huskie about a year ago to arthritis, and am keeping my 20 year old house cat going on a day-to-day basis.


If you haven't heard of VariSearch, or TrEx, or VS-TEN yet, you will.  All three sections of my little company are growing quickly, with the common theme of 'helping businesses get seen on the internet'.  If you need to get traffic to your site, or want to run your own exchange, or want that exchange you run to flourish, I can definitely help.


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